A compilation of pictures of Chinese ancient paper money. The China Finance Publishing House. Beijing. 1992.
After Qubilai, the grandson of Chinggis Khan, came to throne in Shandu in 1260, for the first time he issued into circulating paper money called "Jun Tun Yuan Bao". This paper money issued by Qubilai Khan had 10 denominationsm wich include denominations of 10, 20, 30, 40, 100, 200, 300, 1 chain (1000) and 2 chain (2000). At that time, the nomination of 1 chain was equal to 1 lan of real gold.
Successors of Qubilai Khan such as Kaishan Khulug khan issued paper money called "Ji Da In Chao" in 1309 and ToqanTemur Khan issued paper money called "Ji Jen" in 1350...
Zhong Tong Yuan Bao Jiao Chao. 10 wen. 100 x 175mm.
Discovered in Huhohoto in 1982
(The Relics Administrative Office of Huhehoto of Inner Mongolian
Autonomous Region) |
Zhong Tong Yuan Bao Jiao Chao. issued in 1260. 300 wen. 275 x 190mm.
Discovered in Ningxia Hui Nationality Autonomous Region. 1986
(The Relics Managing Committee of the Ningxia Hui Nationality Autonomous Region) |
Zhong Tong Yuan Bao Jiao Chao. 1260. 500 wen. 270 x 195mm.
Discovered in Xiangyang city of Shaanxi province.China.1965
(The Xianyang Museum. Shaanxi Province) |
1 Guan Wen Sheng Zhong Tong Yuan Bao Jiao Chao. 1260. 270 x 195mm.
Discovered in Xiangyang city of Shaanxi province.China.
(The Xianyang Museum. Shaanxi Province) |
20 Wen Zhi Yuan Tong Xing Bao Chao. Issued in 24th year of Qubilai Khan (1287). 120 x 200mm.(The Yuan Lin Museum. Hunan Province) |
30 Wen Zhi Yuan Tong Xing Bao Chao. Issued in 24th year of Qubilai Khan (1287). 130 x 210mm.(The Hermitage State Museum. Russia) |
50 Wen Zhi Yuan Tong Xing Bao Chao. Issued in 24th year of Qubilai Khan (1287). 130 x 210mm.(Yuan Lin County Museum. Hunan Province) |
100 Wen Zhi Yuan Tong Xing Bao Chao. Issued in 24th year of Qubilai Khan (1287). 120 x 230mm.(The Hermitage State Museum. Russia) |
200 Wen Zhi Yuan Tong Xing Bao Chao. Issued in 24th year of Qubilai Khan (1287). 220 x 150mm.Discovered in Jiangsu Province in 1960. (The Wuxi Municipal Museum. Jiangsu Province) |
300 Wen Zhi Yuan Tong Xing Bao Chao. Issued in 24th year of Qubilai Khan (1287). 100 x 175mm.Discovered in Wuxi county of Jiangsu Province in 1960. (The Wuxi Municipal Museum. Jiangsu Province) |
500 Wen Zhi Yuan Tong Xing Bao Chao. Issued in 24th year of Qubilai Khan (1287). 295 x 210mm.Discovered in Wuxi County of Hunan Jiangsu in 1960. (The Wuxi Municipal Museum. Jiangsu Province) |
1 Guan Wen Sheng Zhong Tong Yuan Bao Jiao Chao. Issued in 24th year of Qubilai Khan (1287). 295 x 210mm
(Eginaqi Relics Managing Office. Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region) |
2 Guan Wen Sheng Zhong Tong Yuan Bao Jiao Chao. Issued in 24th year of Qubilai Khan (1287). 250mm x 260mm |
The Silver Coins of Mongol Pe